Downloading your list of creators for every campaign

Deep dive into how to download the list of creators who applied to your campaign


Working with creators in bulk can be a hassle if you don't have the right tools. This is why we recently implemented the capability to download your creator list for every campaign you have.

Whether you are a brand, looking to keep track of everyone that applied to your campaign and compare their stats; or an agency looking to share this information with your clients so that they can make an informed decision on which creators to hire, we got you covered!

What's New?

You are now able to download a CSV report, which will contain the following information for every creator that applied to your campaign:

  1. Platform (e.g. Instagram, TikTok)

  2. Creator's gender

  3. Creator's Insense profile URL

  4. Creator’s handle (nickname)

  5. Creator's number of followers

  6. Creator's engagement rate

  7. Creator's average views (only for TikTok campaigns)

  8. Creator's median views (only for TikTok campaigns)

  9. Deal status (e.g. onboarding, content creation, review, etc)

  10. Date on which the creator applied to the campaign

  11. Creator's offering price

  12. Is the creator shortlisted? (Y/N)

How do I download the report?

There are two options to download the creators CSV report:

1. Downloading it from your Main Dashboard:

Click on the 3 dots on your main dashboard, on the right side of each campaign on your list:

And then click on "Download creators list":

2. Downloading it from the Campaign Dashboard:

You can also download it from your campaign dashboard, by following the same process. First, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner:

And then click on "Download creators list":

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