Creative freedom vs Detailed brief

Deep dive into the differences between different types of briefs


People often wonder whether they should give creative freedom or a detailed brief to influencers or UGC creators.

Content for organic posting

For organic posting campaigns, you need to choose creators with a presence on the social media platform you want to use. Therefore, for an Instagram organic posting campaign, choose creators with a presence on Instagram - and the same for TikTok.

In most of these cases, since the creator knows their audience and what works better to reach them, it is a better strategy to give them more creative freedom.

Content for ad creatives

You are the experts about your brand and products, and you know which ads worked and which didn't. Therefore, as the creative strategist, you have the bigger picture and vision for your next concepts.

In this case, we highly-recommend providing detailed guidance including scripts to ensure you receive the content you need with few revisions.

Note: If the creator has a marketing or paid social background (and has input from you about what has worked and not worked in the past), then you can give them more freedom as they will have a better understanding about the process.

Regardless of the points above, you should always give a detailed overview of your brand and the product (especially value propositions) the influencer or creator is producing content for.

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