How to source Modular content (Raw footage)

Deep dive into modular content

What is Modular Content

Modular UGC (User-Generated Content) refers to a strategic approach to content creation where individual components or "modules" of content are produced and sourced. Instead of obtaining a singular, fixed piece of content, you can gather a set of versatile elements that can be rearranged, combined, or repurposed across various campaigns and platforms.

By adopting this method, you not only achieve flexibility and efficiency but also tap into a vast collection of UGC assets, optimizing both time and investment in every creator partnership. Essentially, it's like having building blocks of content that can be assembled in numerous ways to suit different needs and contexts.

The Benefits of Modular Content

By adopting modular content and collaborating with creators, you can enjoy:

  • 3–5 iterations of an Ad per creator, optimizing production costs.

  • A robust library of content to fuel your creative testing process.

  • The discovery of winning creatives that boost your revenue and brand success.

How to Source Modular Content

Launch a new ‘Just content’ campaign.

Then, ensure you request the following from each creator for a minimum 60-second video:

  • Hooks: Request 2–5 hooks per video clip.

  • B-rolls: Specify the shots you need for later editing, like product arrivals, close-ups, textures, and more.

  • CTAs: Ask for 2-3 compelling calls-to-action for each video clip.

List of shots:

  • Product arriving at your door

  • Product close-ups

  • Product texture shots

  • Product in use

  • Putting the product down

  • Posing to the camera with a product

  • Showing behind the scenes

  • Talking head

  • Buying experience

Selecting The Right Creators

Identifying the right creators for your Evergreen UGC Campaign is crucial. Here's how:

  • Prioritize creators with the UGC Expert Badge. This badge, awarded by our Marketplace, signifies top-tier portfolios and genuine on-camera charisma, making them ideal for UGC-focused campaigns.

  • Before hiring, review creators' Insense profile: portfolios and sample content. Evaluate past works for similar brands or products to gauge their potential output for you.

  • Utilize our brief screening tool. When creating the brief, use this tool to ask relevant questions. For example, if you're promoting a cream for dry skin, you might ask the creator if they've had issues with dry skin recently. This helps you see if they'll sound genuine.

  • Work with the top creators from your Product Seeding Campaign. After identifying the most authentic creators, favorite them. You can then invite them to an Evergreen UGC Modular Content campaign to see how different versions of their content perform in your Paid Media.

These articles will give you more insights on choosing the best creators for a UGC campaign:

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