Improvements on Screening Questions


Screening creators more efficiently not only saves you time and manual effort, but is also the best way to find the best fit for your campaigns and products.

We launched the screening question option on the brief about a year ago, and now we are revamping it to make it a more powerful tool for all of our clients' screening processes.

So what has changed?

Up to 4 Screening Questions for 1 Brief

We have increased the number of screening questions for a single brief, from 1 to a maximum of 4.

Each of these will have a limit of 100 characters and will require its own answer from the creators:

Different Types of Answer

On the previous version of the screening question we only gave the creators the option to give an open-ended reply in text, however we realized that a lot of the screening questions required a simple "yes" or "no" answer, so you can now choose between these two types of answers for each of your screening questions:

Choose Your Preferred Answers

For the "Yes / No" type of answers we took it even one more step forward by allowing you to choose your preferred answer:

Where to Find the Responses

Once you have launched your campaign, each screening question and their respective answers will be shown as a separate message on the chat:

💡 Please note that for preferred answers, these will be marked with a green dot next to it if the creator's answer matches the preferred one or a red dot if it doesn't.

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